January 27, 2014

Claire Danes who is?

Claire Catherine Danes (born in New York , United States, April 12, 1979 ) , better known as Claire Danes is an American actress of film, television and theater.
She has won four Golden Globes , three Emmy and two Screen Actors Guild Awards . She was awarded for her starring roles in projects such as praised Homeland ( 2011- present) series , the biopic Temple Grandin ( 2010) or the cult series It's my life (1994-1995 ) .

Danes is known among other roles as being the star of movies such as Romeo + Juliet ( 1996) with Leonardo Di Caprio , Stardust (2007 ) , Brokedown Palace ( 2000) or Evening (2007 ) .
Considered one of the best actresses of her generation, has also appeared in respected films as Little Women (1994 ) , The Hours (2002 ) , The Rainmaker (1997 ) , Les Misérables (1998) Beauty ( 2004) and Orson Welles I (2009).
He has worked with directors such as Francis Ford Coppola, Oliver Stone, Baz Luhrmann , Jodie Foster, Stephen Daldry , Richard Linklater and Thomas Vinterberg .