February 2, 2014

Chinese Horoscope Signs: The Horse

Horses love freedom. Freedom to their own schedules. Freedom from routine. So, if you are married a horse , it is best to give her space, or simply leave his horse galloping fast. Incredibly worker and with great confidence in themselves, the horses love challenges .
The horses enjoy being the center of attention , to cajole and flatter them . They are optimistic , communicative and sociable. This implies that easily go on to become the most popular and loved by people around them . Finances are never your concern.
Horses are hard working and creative. They are also very willing , quick mind , will not tolerate those who can not take their pace . Do not usually pay attention to the advice of others because they prefer to act on their own.

Horses have a temper and come crashing passionately in their social and labor relations. Good thing easily forgotten offenses.
Able to do 10 things at once , the horse hates idleness.

Horses are lousy savers , always think only in the now and not the future . They are impatient and sometimes say things they later regret .
They are very quiet . They are well suited to politics , finance and labor in general. However, behave unpredictably and its changes are almost permanent.

In its relations with the opposite sex show weakness . They are predisposed to fully indulge in the love that does not stop them appear angry when in this situation: the distrust and jealousy hurt them deeply.